2018 Intros

Curly Cutie

Curly Cutie 12-190A use DGu STD_cropped

Curly Cutie

$100.00 Double Fan


Curly Cutie (12-190A) is a baby ribbon pink Unusual Form Cascade with a green throat. It is a rebloomer that blooms over a long period of time. Fertile both ways. Quills occasionally. Junior Citation M, 36", 6.5", four-way branching, 22 buds. Re, Dor., Dip., David Gulecke X Shuffle The Deck

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Give a Big Whistle

Give A Big Whistle use 11-61A MW WT_cropped

Give a Big Whistle

$100.00 Double Fan

Sold Out

Give a Big Whistle (11-61A) is a light lavender with a violet patterned eye on both petals and a sepals and a lime green throat. Distinct veining on petals. Circular pattern later in the season. Tall scapes and reblooms. E, 45", 5.5", three-way branching, 10 buds. Re, Sev., Tet., Marseilles Watercolor X Whale Tails

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Peach of a Poly

Peach Of A Poly use 11-10D  FAW TMP use_cropped

Peach of a Poly

$75.00 Double Fan


Peach of a Poly (11-10D) is a peach bitone poly with a red eye and bright green throat. It is a reliable repeat bloomer and a product of two high percentage polymerous parents. Occasional 5x5's. 85% Polymerous. M, 28", 5", three-way branching, 15 buds. Dor., Dip., Fours Are Wild X Too Many Petals

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Poly Pleaser

Poly Pleaser 12-32A use  FF DP (3)

Poly Pleaser

$75.00 Double Fan


Poly Pleaser (12-32A) is a lemon yellow poly with a green throat that blooms over a long period of time. It is from a line of high percentage polys. 90% Polymerous. A bright, refreshing form in the garden. E, 26", 6.5", three-way branching, 14 buds. Dor., Dip., Fuschia Four X Dolly Poly

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Trish's Treasure

Trish's Treasure use 2 10-229C Memphis SF 030_cropped

Trish's Treasure

$75.00 Double Fan


Trish's Treasure (10-229C) is a late blooming peach pink with a darker eye, gold wire edge, and a deep green throat. It is flat, round, ruffled, has great substance, and is a nice addition to the late garden. Named by my wife, Trish. L, 27", 6", three-way branching, 14 buds. Re, Sev., Tet., Memphis X Spanish Fiesta

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