We are located in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, in the heart of the Pennsylvania Dutch country, where fertile farmlands and Amish buggies abound.
We select for cold hardiness, rebloom, branching, foliage, bud count, vigor, and of course, a beautiful flower. We appreciate the recognition of our work by others including awards by the American Hemerocallis Society. We are pleased that H. 'Her Best Bloomers' was awarded the Annie T. Giles Award for the Best Small Flower in 2008, Honorable Mention, Award Of Merit, and the 2015 Lenington All American Award for "Best Performer Over A Wide Geographic Area." H. 'Her Late Bloomers' was winner of the Eugene Foster Award for late bloomers in 2011. H. 'Her Little Bloomers' received the Donn Fischer Memorial Award for the most outstanding miniature flower in 2014. H. 'Whistle A Happy Tune' received the Annie T. Giles Award for Best Small Flower in 2016 and H. 'Tall Dark And Handsome' received the Extra Large Diameter Award in 2016. H. 'Aaron Brown' received the Award Of Merit Award in 2017. H. 'You Are My Sunshine' won the Annie T. Giles Award for Best Small Flower and H. 'Her Late Bloomers' was awarded an Award Of Merit in 2018. H. 'Big Bertha', H. 'Big Bertha's Sister', H. 'Carnival King', and H. 'Poly Want A Cracker' received Honorable Mention Awards in 2019. The Bertrand Farr Silver Medal Award 'for outstanding results in the field of daylily hybridizing' was awarded in 2020
For 2021 we are introducing one tetraploid and four diploids including two high percentage polys, two patterned, and one double unusual form crispate.
Come visit us during peak bloom in mid-July but do call ahead.
Don and Trish Herr