Tootie Tutu (15-267B) is a vibrant pink double unusual form crispate with a darker eye above a yellow to green throat. It has the form of its’ pod parent, Get Off My Tutu and is a fast increaser as is its’ pollen parent, Strubbly. 95% double. M, 33”, 4.5”, two- way branching, 9 buds, Dor., Dip., Get Off My Tutu X Strubbly.
(Herr 2002) Admired by garden visitors from many states following the 2000 American Hemerocallis Society's National meeting. This clear coral with its ruffled, bubbly yellow edge and a yellow to green throat was named for my wonderful wife. Herr, 2002, 27", 5", three-way branching, 17 buds, Dor., Tet. A fast increaser and a hardy dormant. Ida's Magic x Strawberry Candy.
Trish's Treasure (10-229C) is a late blooming peach pink with a darker eye, gold wire edge, and a deep green throat. It is flat, round, ruffled, has great substance, and is a nice addition to the late garden. Named by my wife, Trish. L, 27", 6", three-way branching, 14 buds. Re, Sev., Tet., Memphis X Spanish Fiesta
Watermelon Slurp '21 (16-250A) is a patterned daylily with a watermelon background and distinct darker eye with a burgundy rim on the petals. Sepals have a cream base with a darker eye. Very distinctive. Named for a Camp Song Just plant a watermelon on my grave and let the juice, Slurrrrp, seep through. A good grower. M, 36", 6", three-four- way branching, 16 buds, Dor., Dip., Cosmic Kaleidoscope X (Almira Buffalo Bone Jackson x Believing in Design).
(Herr 2001) This is a very special daylily. Winner of a coveted Achievement Award by the American Hemerocallis Society in 2001, this recurved beauty with a plum eye above a green throat is a prolific bloomer. Multiple scapes with wide branches separate the blooms well above the foliage. it is fragrant, an extended bloomer, and a repeat bloomer. It has won the AHS Honorable Mention Award. It also won the Annie T. Giles Award for Best Small Flower in 2016.
Herr, 2001, M, 31" 4.25", 4 way branching. 32 buds. DOR., Dip.
Indy Knockout x Janice Brown.
Whistle While You Work (9-99A) is an orchid Unusual Form crispate with a darker eye and a yellow to green throat. Fertile both ways. Blooms well into the late season. Junior Citation. L, 38”, 7”, three-way branching, 17 buds. Dor., Dip., Flight Of Orchids X David Guleke
Will Collier is a burnt orange with a darker eye and an orange yellow to green throat named for a wonderful son-in-law who is a third generation Auburn graduate and proud of it. Fertile both ways. L, 33", 6", four-way branching, 18 buds. Dor., Tet.
'12 (6-231A) is a distinctive near white cream with a large plum eye and bubbly picote edge accented by a yellow to green throat. Best seedling at the 2008 Delaware Valley Daylily Society Show. M., 29", 5 1/2", three-way branching, 13 buds. fertile both ways. EMO, Re, Sev., Tet., Sabine Baur X Jane Trimmer. Limited
(Herr 2000) Awarded the Junior Citation award of the AHS in 2000. The flower is an intense yellow gold with a contrasting red eye and picotee edge. It also won the Best Seedling Award at the 1998 Delaware Valley Daylily Show. This plant has dark green foliage and well branched scapes. Herr, 2000 MRe. 27", 4", 4-5 way branching, 30 buds, Ext., Dor., Tet., AHS Honorable Mention Award. (Strawberry Candy x Tigerling).