Herr Early Poly (13-230A) is a striking rose red poly with a large yellow to green throat. Polymerous 85%. A distinctive, high percentage poly. E., 36", 6", three-way branching, 11 buds. Re., Dor., Dip. Senator Edward M. Kennedy X Star Poly
2016 (11-19A) Herr Green Eyed Poly is a cream-yellow with a red blush band and a large light green throat. It is 90% polymerous and throws many 5x5's and some 6x6's. It quills later in the season. Fertile both ways. Another step forward in producing high percentage 5x5 polys. The product of two high percentage polys. E, 28", 5.5", three-way branching, 9 buds, and a reliable rebloomer. Re., Dor., Dip., Too Many Petals X Star Poly.
High Flying Floozie (9-384A) is a towering orchid/burgundy Unusual Form cascade with a large yellow to cream throat and an attitude. Admired by many visitors at the Region 3 Stone Soup Summer meeting who insisted that it be registered. Junior Citation. M, 50", 7", four-way branching, 20 buds. Dor., Dip., Skinwalker X Girly Q
(Herr 2004) A cream white with a gold edge. Named in honor of a good friend and daylily aficionado from region III who often admired this seedling and repeatedly asked when it would be introduced. Because of its narrow tepals, it could easily be taken to Unusual Forms to create bubbly gold edges, a new direction in UF's. ML, 29", 6", four-way branching, 15 buds, Sev., Tet., Admiral's Braid x With This Ring.
Jelly Dancer ‘10 (3-227A) is a tall, stately, Unusual Form cascade. Maroon with darker eye and large yellow to green throat. A star of the lates with sturdy scapes that hold the blooms high above the foliage. Quills occasionally. Honorable Mention L, 52”, 7”, three-way branching, 25 buds. A prolific bloomer and a bud builder. Fertile both ways. Dor., Dip. Android X Kirsten’s Corsage
(1-108A) is a prolific bloomer. This burgundy-red beauty with a yellow edge blooms early in the season and reblooms. Named for a wonderful son-in-law, husband of daughter Martha Brown and father of two delightful grandchildren, Aaron Brown and Carolyn Brown. E, 30”, 5.5”, 4-way branching, 20 buds, Sev., Tet., Castle Camelot X Spacecoast Cranberry Breeze.
(Herr 2004) A burgundy lavender beauty with great color and form. Jolly Good Fellow has been a favorite of mine since its maiden bloom. it has the branching and budcount of a show winner and the plant habit of a garden standout. it blooms over a long period of time, resembling a bud builder. Substance and color are sunfast. E, 34", 4.25"', six-way branching, 35-40 buds. Canterbury Tales x Spacecoast Sweetness. Dor., Tet.
Jolly Poly ’10, (4-20D) is a brick red high percentage poly with a yellow to green throat. It is approximately 90% polymerous and often throws 5 X 5’s and occasionally a 6 X 6. A high percentage parent for the poly breeder. We will see more and more high percentage polys in this ever increasing collecting direction. A fast increaser. Easily fertile both ways. E, 44”, 8”, three-way branching, 12 buds. M, Dor., Dip. Fuchsia Four X Mudra.
’11 (5-85A) is a early pink with a green throat and a large yellow/green edge. It often sends up two scapes per fan and consistently reblooms. E, 33”, 5 ½”, three-way branching, 12 buds, Re, Dor., Tet. Leslie Rene’ X Shores Of Time.
(Herr 2004) A cream white with a red eye and a red bubbly edge. This sibling to Strawberry Icing is whiter and contrasts more dramatically with its red eye and edge. Kitty Kitty is a rebloomer, a desirable trait for an extended season in the north. M, 35", 5", four-way branching, 21 buds. Re., Dor., Tet. Strawberry Candy x Strawberry Lace.
(Herr 2002) A welcome addition to the unusual form category. This stately lavender, with a yellow to green throat, commands attention in our garden. it is often the first to be noticed by visitors. It has the color of its pod parent and the crispate form and sturdy scapes of its pollen parent. Herr, 2002, 48", 8.5", 2 way branching, 14 buds, Dor., Tet., AHS Honorable Mention Award. Swallow Tail Kite x Red Suspenders
(4-283B). A late, tall, light lavender with a yellow to green throat Unusual Form cascade that sometimes twists and quills. It is a Late that reblooms and is one of the last to bloom, extending the season. Fertile both ways. L, 50", 9-10", three-way branching, 17 buds, Re. Sev., Dip. North Wind Dancer X Skinwalker.
(Herr 2003) A large, ruffled, orchid with a darker eyezone and a yellow to green throat. It was named in honor of my mother- in-law, Martha Chambers, who had many wonderful memories of her family. It has been admired by garden visitors for its clear orchid color and yellow to green throat. Winner of the Honorable Mention Award from AHS. M-L, 30", 6", 3 way branching, 20 buds, Re., Fr., Dor., Tet., Big Blue X Druid's Chant
(Herr 2004) A large recurved peach with great substance. It is a beauty. Named for my delightful sister who shares my love of daylilies, Mary Jane Herr has a clear peach color and a smooth but ribbed surface when it opens early in the morning. Large multiple blooms are well supported on strong scapes from large plants. It puts on quite a show. ML, 28", 6.5", 4-way branching, 22 buds, Dor, Tet., Cause For Pause x Splendid Touch.
Merry Moonbeam '20 (13-20A) is a cream white with a light lavender blend above a green throat. An important breeder for polys other than yellow. Blooms over a long period of time and into the late season. Polymerous 95%. Re, E, 32", 6.5", three-way branching, 12 buds. Dor., Dip. Mountain Laurel Sundayhaus x (Mountain Laurel Sundayhaus x Carolina Octopus) X Ollie Poly.
Neon Lady (11-264B) is a bright neon pink with a large yellow to green throat and a welcome addition to the very late season. Clear, vibrant colors. VL, 36", 7", three-way branching, 15 buds. Sev., Dip. Humble Heart X Carolyn’s Curls
'14 (4-281A) Tall Orchid Unusual form cascade with white midribs and yellow green throat. Tall, willowy, and late describe this beauty. L, 47", 7", four-way branching, 25 buds. Sev., Dip., Margo Reed Indeed x Skinwalker
(Herr 2005) This profusely ruffled and recurved peach pink with a great substance and rebloom is a source of enjoyment and beauty. Blooms are consistently ruffled and recurved on well-branched scapes. It blooms profusely over a long period of time and is both a good grower and increaser. Hardy in the north. M. 34", 5-6 way branching, 27 buds. Re., Sev., Tet., America's Most Wanted x Spacecoast Starburst
Ollie Poly (9-56B) is a pink/lavender bitone with a burgundy eye and yellow to green throat. It is 95% polymerous. It passes on it’s polymerous qualities and plant habit to it’s kids. E, 27", 7", four to five-way branching, 21 buds. Dor., Dip. Poly B' Golly X Too Many Petals
14 (7-324A ) Outen The Lights is a Pennsylvania Dutch saying that seems appropriate for this very dark violet purple bloom. It seems to be somewhat resistant to thrip damage, an important attribute in a dark flower. It has produced kids that are bright red or dark violet and with ruffled cream edges. Fertile both ways. M, 43", 5.75", four-way branching, 25 buds Dor., tet., Alexa Kathryn x Ashwood Dark Side.
Party Poly '21 (15-35A) is a large, rose red poly with a darker eye and a large yellow to green throat. Distinctive. Great branching and bud count. Colorful and attractive. From proven poly parents. Polymerous 90%. Re, E, 27", 6.5", four-way branching, 21 buds. Dor., Dip., Emerald Starburst X Poly Day.
PEACE BE WITH YOU is an early, large, flat, ruffled, pink blend with great substance. It keeps its dark blue-green foliage throughout the blooms season. Admired by garden vistors. Reblooms. Fertile both ways. E, 25", 6.6", 4-way branching, 17 buds. Re., Dor., Tet. Spacecoast Starburst × Knights In White Satin.
Peach of a Poly (11-10D) is a peach bitone poly with a red eye and bright green throat. It is a reliable repeat bloomer and a product of two high percentage polymerous parents. Occasional 5x5's. 85% Polymerous. M, 28", 5", three-way branching, 15 buds. Dor., Dip., Fours Are Wild X Too Many Petals
2016 (9-20B) Peachy Poly is a high percentage peach colored poly with a distinct red eye and yellow to green throat. The flat, stiff, showy blooms are held high above the foliage. Junior Citation. 90% polymerous. E, 36", 6", four-way branching, 18 buds. Dor., Dip., Fours Are Wild X Carolina Flying Polypossum
(Herr 2000) This rich, copper-penny colored double has exceptional substance. Each bloom is a virtual corsage and retains its firmness until the end of the day. A strong scape supports the substantial blooms. It received the Best Seedling Award at the DVDS show in 1997. A very distinctive daylily. Herr, 2000, Fertile both ways, EM, 24", 5.5", 2-3 way branching, 15 buds, Sev., Tet., (Ever So Ruffled x Royal Exchequer).
Playful Poly (13-229C) is a large, rose red poly with a large yellow to green throat. M, 38", 7.5", three-way branching 14 buds. Polymerous 65%. Colorful and attractive. From proven poly parents. Sev., Dip., Star Poly X Senator Edward M. Kennedy.
Polite Poly (11-54) is a cream yellow with a faint red blush and a green throat. Erect scapes hold the tall, heavy substance blooms. A break through into the world of high percentage Tet dormant polys. Tall, easily seen across the garden. Fertile both ways. E, 50", 6", three-way branching, 9 buds. Polymerous 90%. Dor., Tet., Poly Parrot X Tet. Star Poly.
Polly Poly (13-114B) is an attractive pink bitone poly with a rose eye and yellow to bright green throat. Polymerous 95%. A leap in my quest to produce tall, high percentage polys. M., 36", 6.5", three-way branching, 13 buds. Re., Sev., Dip. Senator Edward M. Kennedy X Star Poly
Poly Day (13-67A) is as soft light lavender bitone high percentage poly with white midribs. It passes its great branching onto its kids. An important breeder for polys. Easily fertile both ways. Occasional extra segment. Blooms over a long period of time. Named by daylily friend David Bishop. Polymerous 85%. Re, EM, 29", 5.5", four-way branching, 16 buds. Dor., Dip. Points Of Compass X Fours Are Wild.
Poly Pleaser (12-32A) is a lemon yellow poly with a green throat that blooms over a long period of time. It is from a line of high percentage polys. 90% Polymerous. A bright, refreshing form in the garden. E, 26", 6.5", three-way branching, 14 buds. Dor., Dip., Fuschia Four X Dolly Poly
Poly Put The Kettle On is a light pink poly with an exceptionally large green throat on both the petals and the sepals. It is another step forward in my quest for attractive high percentage polys. 85% polymerous. Fertile both ways. M, 34", 7", three way branching 12 buds. Dor., Dip.
'12 (6-36A) is a tall, dark burgundy poly with a yellow to lime green throat. Approximately 65% polymerous, a repeat bloomer, and a nice addition to the poly field. Fertile both ways. Honorable Mention. M, 42", 7 1/2", three-way branching, 14 buds. Re., Dor., Dip., Mudra X Carolina Octopus
This heavily ruffled cream/yello with a green throat isa welcome addition to the late garden. Diamond dusting and pleated sculpting enhance its beauty. Reblooms. Fertile both ways. L, 33", 6.5", three-way branching, 14 buds. Sev., Tet.
'14 (6-93A) is s sturdy burgundy with white wire edges and yellow to green throat. Straight scapes support multiple buds on this burgundy beauty. Excellent plant habit. Sib to Aaron's Giggle's Fertile both ways. Junior Citation. EM, 46", 6.5", three-way branching, 17 buds, Dor., Tet. Roger Herr x Bella Sera
(Herr 2004) An orchid lavender with a yellow throat and a voluptuous pleated yellow edge, may be my best introduction to date. it has the attributes of a hardy northern-bred daylily that are my goals: a long bloom season, exceptional branching and budcount, blooms that are uniform in size, very ruffled, and that blooms well above the foliage. Named for our wonderful son, Roger Herr is a very special daylily. it has branching and budcount of a show winner. It is a striking flower and a garden favorite. E, 35", 5.5" 6-way branching, 25-40 buds, Ext., Dor., Tet., AHS Honorable Mention Award, Knights in White Satin X Spacecoast Starburst. Limited supply.
(Herr 2006) Is a dark violet burgundy with a contrasting light cream bubbly edge. M, 20", 5.5", three/four-way branching, 17 buds. A splendid combination of the dark burgundy color of it’s pod parent and the light bubbly edge of it’s pollen parent. M, 20", 5.5", 3-way branching 17 buds. Re., Sev., Tet., Canterbury Tales X Spacecoast Cranberry Breeze.
Rutchin’ (11-101A) is a cream with a pink tinge having a variable plum chevron pattern on the petals and sepals. The pattern moves like a child that can’t sit still. A Pennsylvania Dutch mother might say to her child "Stop your Rutchin’, sit still!". M, 32",6", four-way branching, 17 buds. Re., Sev., Tet. Marilyn Morss Johnson X Whale Tails
'14 (6-331B) The distinctive undulating edges of this rose pink Unusual Form crispate remind one of the fancy paper cutouts (scherenschnitte) done by the Pennsylvania Dutch. The white midribs and large yellow throat enhance this beauty. A welcom addition to the late season. Fertile both ways. L, 42", 7.5", three-way branching, 15 buds. Dor., Dip. Margo Reed Indeed x Shuffle The Deck.
(4-62A). Standing like a shining star above the garden on tall, sturdy, erect scapes, this star-shaped poly blooms from June to August. Cream with a light rose eye and a green throat. Seven and eight tepals. 95% poly in our garden. A high percentage polymerous flower for poly lovers and hybridizers. Easily fertile both ways. A very distinctive form and greatly admired by garden visitors. E, 48", 8 1/2", 3-4 way branching, 17 buds, Re. Sev., Dip, AHS Honorable Mention Award. Parents are Unknown X Unknown.
(Herr 2003) A cream pink blush with a red eye and bubbly red edge, has been a favorite since its maiden bloom. It has the cold hardiness of its pod parent Strawberry Candy and the form and rebloom of its pollen parent Strawberry Lace. M-L, 24", 5", 4 way branching, 17 buds, Re., Sev, Tet. Strawberry Candy X
Strawberry Lace. Very limited supply.
STRAWBERRY MARGARITA is a pink-red blush with a ruffled yellow edge and a yellow to green throat. It blooms early in the season and over a long period of time. A garden favorite. Fertile both ways. E, 26", 5.5", 3-4 way branching, 17 buds, Dor., Tet., Fragrant. 01-76A. Knights In White Satin X Spacecoast Starburst
’13 (7-219B) is a luminous fuchsia spidery double Unusual Form cascade with a bright yellow/orange throat. It is a robust grower and could be used in a double spider program. It won best double/poly/multiform at the 2015 DVDS show. Strubbly is a Pennsylvania Dutch word for unkempt hair. ML, 35”, 5.5”, four-way branching, 18 buds. Dor., Dip. Jo Barbre X Double Pom Pom.
(Herr 2005) A red spider variant with a darker band and a large yellow throat that has wide branching which separates the exploding blooms on sturdy upright scapes. It is a bud builder and a vigorous grower, 4.4:1, Quills on very hot days. Blooms over a long period of time. Named by friend and daylily enthusiast Linda Pinkham. Best Seedling at the DVDS show in 2004. Its edges and curls could be used for hybridizing Unusual Forms. E., 43", 7", 5-6 way branching. 25 buds. Ext., Dor., Dip., AHS Honorable Mention Award. Yabba Dabba Doo x Android
2016 (9-355A) Take Four is a true pink with a yellow to dark green throat. A tall, showy, and vigorous grower. Pink is a welcome color addition to the field of polys. 85% polymerous. Junior Citation. Re., EM, 34", 6.5", four-way branching, 16 buds, Dor., Dip., John R. Pike X Mountain Laurel Sundayhaus
(2-152A) is just that. It is tall, it is blonde, and it is handsome. It is one of the first to bloom and continues to bloom through the end of the season. This stately tow-headed blonde with a white midrib and yellow to green throat does not fall over and towers above the garden. Not as tall as Tall Dark And handsome, it also holds up well at the end of the day. E, 42”, 5.25”, 5-way branching, 23 buds, Re., Dor., Tet., Forsyth Cherokee X Darla Anita.
(Herr 2006) Is just that. It’s tall, it is dark, and it is handsome. This stately dark burgundy with a wide watermark and a large yellow to green throat towers above the garden. It does not fall over and holds up well at the end of the day. It received the Extra Large Diameter Award in 2016.
E, 52", 7", 5-way branching, 20 buds., Dor., Tet.,
Swallow Tail Kite X Wispy Rays.
Thorny Devil (11-148) is a red with a yellow picote edge and teeth, and a yellow to green throat. Admired by garden visitors. Hardy. M, 30", 5", three-way branching, 16 buds, Dor., Tet. Breck’s Smile X Worthy of Distinction. Junior Citation.
(4-156A). A bold, distinctive, dark gold flower with a dark burgundy eye that almost extends to its ruffled dark burgundy edge. Much darker than it’s pollen parent. Definitely an attention getter. A prolific bloomer. Easily fertile both ways. AHS Honorable Mention
E, 29", 5", three-way branching, 13 buds. Dor., Tet. Rock Solid X Adorable Tiger.