$40.00 Double Fan
(Herr 2004) An orchid lavender with a yellow throat and a voluptuous pleated yellow edge, may be my best introduction to date. it has the attributes of a hardy northern-bred daylily that are my goals: a long bloom season, exceptional branching and budcount, blooms that are uniform in size, very ruffled, and that blooms well above the foliage. Named for our wonderful son, Roger Herr is a very special daylily. it has branching and budcount of a show winner. It is a striking flower and a garden favorite. E, 35", 5.5" 6-way branching, 25-40 buds, Ext., Dor., Tet., AHS Honorable Mention Award, Knights in White Satin X Spacecoast Starburst. Limited supply.